RESCHEDULED: Virtual Monthly Community Update Meeting

Pittsburgh Yards 352 University Ave, ATLANTA, GA, United States

Join us Thursday, May 21, for a virtual Pittsburgh Yards® community meeting. Discussion topics will include construction updates and information about health and safety measures Pittsburgh Yards is implementing in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19). ?️  ONLINE: (Choose "Continue on this browser" or "Join on the web" on the webpage that opens.) or ? BY […]

Virtual Monthly Community Update Meeting – September 2020

Atlanta, GA, United States

NEW LOGIN INFORMATION! ?️  ONLINE: or ? BY PHONE: 301-715-8592 Conference ID Number: 956 9248 1052# Passcode: 237325 Join us this Thursday, September 17, online or by phone for a virtual Pittsburgh Yards® community meeting. Discussion topics will include information about the opening of The Nia Building™ in the coming weeks, events on the […]

Virtual Community Update Meeting

Atlanta, GA, United States

This coming Thursday! Join us for our latest monthly virtual community meeting. Login and engage with fellow community members and Pittsburgh Yards®' newest entrepreneurs. Discussion topics will include: Pittsburgh Yards' response to COVID-19 The newest entrepreneurs who are moving into The Nia Building™ The BeltLine Southside Trail Updates on the Shipping Container Courtyard Q&A and […]


Virtual Community Update Meeting

Atlanta, GA, United States

Join us online for our latest monthly virtual community meeting. Stay tuned closer to the date of the meeting, here and on social media, for additional agenda items and more.

CANCELED Virtual Community Update Meeting

Atlanta, GA, United States

Join us online for our latest monthly virtual community meeting. Stay tuned closer to the date of the meeting, here and on social media, for additional agenda items and more.


Live & In-Person – Community Update Meeting

Pittsburgh Yards 352 University Ave, ATLANTA, GA, United States

Join us at Pittsburgh Yards on the third Thursday of each month for updates related to our programming and the surrounding Pittsburgh and NPU-V community. Stay tuned closer to the date of each meeting, here and on social media, for additional agenda items and more.