Pittsburgh Yards’ Coworking Members and Tenants Bring Kwanzaa Principles to Life Year Round

19 December 2022
Pittsburgh Yards

Mission-Driven Black Entrepreneurial Community on Atlanta’s Southside Founded in Purpose (Nia)


Pittsburgh Yards®, a mission-driven entrepreneurial development on the southside of Atlanta, is a community of more than 140 Black-owned and run businesses and organizations that is community-inspired. Its mission is simple – to serve as a catalyst to spur economic equity, job growth, and entrepreneurship to benefit area residents and entrepreneurs throughout Atlanta for future generations. Situated in the historic Black neighborhood of Pittsburgh with a rich history (352 University Avenue), Phase I of Pittsburgh Yards® was completed in 2020 and included James Bridges Field, the infrastructure for the pad sites for future development, and The Nia Building™, which serves as the development’s nerve center and hub. Named after one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa – Nia means purpose in the African language of Swahili. The word “purpose” defines the mission of Pittsburgh Yards® as a place to create unprecedented opportunities for the community and beyond. What happens at Pittsburgh Yards and through the businesses there personifies the principles of Kwanzaa throughout the year.  

 As Pittsburgh Yards® delivers against its purpose and mission and encourages mission-driven businesses and organizations to join and become coworking members or tenants, many of the businesses bring the seven principles of Kwanzaa to life. Here are just a few: Read More


Top (l-r)  – Amber Lawson, CEO of Aspire Construction and Design, Destiny Brewton, CEO of A House Called Hue, Malika Redmond, CEO of Women Engaged

Middle (l-r) – Mary Pat Hector, CEO of Equity for All, Anthony and Sharon Pope, Principles of Atelier 7 Architects LLC, Danielle Walker, CEO of BLGTV Network LLC.

Bottom (l-r) – Thomas Gray, CEO of Zwenty 58 Entertainment, Sharon Brooks Hodge, CEO of Phenomenal Media Productions, Reggie Hammond, CEO of Your Crescendo.